
Final grades (on a 4.0 scale) will be determined using the following percentages and criteria:

In-Class Participation (10% of the grade)

Participation in this course is about a network of ideas—sharing thoughts and talking with, supporting, and listening to others. Class time will often be spent in large group conversations and workshops. Collaborative learning and collaborative teaching add interest, excitement, and investment to the classroom experience. Each helps students brainstorm for their projects, unpack concepts, learn from others, and develop proficiency in how to constructively critique other people’s work. That said, all of these aspects of in-class participation will be included in your participation grade, which I will determine.

Academic Remix (35% of the grade)

The remix will be the final assessment of your audio e-portfolio. I will give you explicit instructions on how to proceed with it as the quarter develops. We will also have an in-class workshop on how to make the remix. Together with the abstract, it should meet the five learning outcomes articulated above.

Project Development (35% of the grade)

You will be asked to contribute (through text, audio, images, and video) to the course site generally once each week, always in response to a particular prompt or to a peer’s entry. Evaluation of the blog entries will include: timeliness, thoughtfulness of questions posed, relevance of the entry to the course material, persuasiveness and complexity of the inquiry, and constructiveness of commentary on peers’ posts (especially their audio work). Twice before the end of the quarter, you will receive an interim project development grade, which should give you a sense of how your work is progressing and where you are in the class.

Cluster Assessment (20% of the grade)

At two points in the quarter, you will have the opportunity to assess your work (on a 4.0 scale) and your participation based on outcomes you will write with your peers (in your collaborative “cluster”). These two grades will be averaged together to comprise twenty percent of your final grade. If your assessment is persuasive, then I will accept it at face value. If I do not find it persuasive, then I will request a meeting with you.

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  1. […] how do we assess participation? And how does grading work in this […]

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