Week 11: Feedback & RevisionClose

Tuesday, November 15th

Overview: How do we provide and receive feedback on digital projects? How do networked mechanisms for feedback differ from those provided in face-to-face situations? What are some tools and techniques to facilitate peer review (including “open” peer review)?


Reading Due: None.


Suggested Reading: (1) “Taking a Closer Look at Open Peer Review” by Jennifer Howard, and (2) “Transparency Showcases Strength of Peer Review” by Bernd Pulverer


Suggested Viewing: “Abby Smith Rumsey on Digital History” by digihistproj (see especially minute eight forward)



Assignment Due: Continue polishing your work and translating it into your final proof of concept. During the lab session, be prepared to circulate a draft proof of concept to me and other clusters, who will provide verbal and written feedback.


Outcomes: Have Final Projects at a point where they are presentable to audiences beyond this class. Ask any last-minute questions about the Final Project. Also, review the prompt for the Final Audit.

Friday, November 18th


Overview: What does your project look like in writing? How will people learn about and respond to it when they are not navigating it through a browser? When it’s conveyed through a single paragraph and not, say, through dynamic maps, video, timelines, and the like?


Reading Due: None.


Assignment Due: Blog Entry #6 (question circulated during class on November 15th)


Outcomes: Circulate a collaboratively authored description of your Final Project for review by your peers. Begin revising the description and other aspects of the Final Project.


Index image care of Wikipedia Commons.

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